Goldmont Capital | LoanNEXXUS

Goldmont Capital

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Do you need funds for your business? Do you need to grow, pay your employees, buy supplies or inventory? Perhaps you have an unexpected tax or business expense which is causing pressure levels to be higher than normal.

Many small business owners find themselves asking the same question throughout the course of their business. Many turn to traditional banks to help them grow only to find that they are turned away due to credit scores not being high enough, or insufficient borrowing history.

Goldmont Capital will provide the funds you need for any purpose, whether its for expansion and hiring new employees to paying down debt and allowing you to focus on the day to day needs of being a business owner, and we do not care about your credit score or history. We look towards your future earning potential when it comes time to make an approval.

We provide large capital influxes to businesses in need in exchange for a percentage of the businesses future receivables.

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