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Our mission is to stimulate economic development in underserved communities by providing innovative financial solutions and hands-on technical assistance to small businesses and nonprofit organizations. TruFund offers more than a loan – we provide an opportunity for underserved small businesses and low-income communities to thrive.

TruFund provides financing and business services to small businesses that cannot access affordable financing through traditional sources.

We offer these financing and business services across a wide range of industries and business types. The Small Business Loan Fund seeks to support businesses in underserved communities as well as businesses owned by underrepresented or disadvantaged groups such as women and minorities.

Our small business borrowers have used loans in many ways to help sustain and expand their businesses. Just a few examples include applying the funding for working capital, inventory and equipment, or improving leased or owned space.

TruFund Financial Services has lending operations in New York, Alabama, and Louisiana. We work closely with community partners to link our financing and business assistance activities with neighborhood revitalization strategies, tailoring customized programs and services for the specific needs of each region.

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