
The Credit Junction

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You own a business. You’re living out your dream. Now, you want to see that vision all the way through. For that, we can help. Unlike traditional lending institutions, we’ll never try to fit you in a box. Businesses aren’t apples-to-apples. We’ll judge your business on its own unique merit. And within a matter of days, we’ll get you set up with a line of credit or a term loan of up to $7,500,000. Apply now, and let’s get to work.


The Credit Junction is the first data-driven asset based lending platform and is transforming the way small and mid-size businesses access working capital, growth and supply chain financing solutions. The company combines technology and data intelligence with traditional asset-based credit metrics and offers up to $7.5 million in capital availability. The Credit Junction targets growth-oriented suppliers, distributors and manufacturers typically with revenues between $5M and $50M.

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