Swiss Capital | LoanNEXUS

Swiss Capital

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Swiss Capital offers access to working capital loans throughout the country to companies who have been in business for at least six months and meet the simple lending requirements. We’re pleased to offer you easy access to the working capital you need and a funding experience you won’t find anywhere else.

We established our company in 2009 in response to large, traditional banks pulling back from the small and medium-sized lending market…just when businesses needed working capital more than ever to survive and grow. This struck a chord with Swiss Capital founders who had owned and grown multiple businesses of their own.

Swiss Capital was created specifically to serve the unique financial needs of America’s small to medium-sized businesses. Our approach is rooted in our personal understanding that accessing working capital plays an important role in helping you compete in a demanding marketplace. We also understand the frustration of being denied access to financing or being subjected to an unnecessarily complicated or confusing process.

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