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We know how difficult it is to start a business, having limited access to capital shouldn’t be the reason your dream doesn’t take off. With Sparkir’s Small Business platform, we give you insight information for all the various lending products that are available to you. Whether it be a SBA loan, Merchant Cash Advance or equipment lease, we’ll make sure to match you with the best financing options for whatever your requirements are.

Sparkir is the first Equipment Vendor centric platform allowing vendors to more easily track all their equipment sales. By making all transactions fully transparent, vendors can increase their bottom line sales by 15–30%
With real-time reporting, seamless integration and dedicated support, Sparkir delivers everything you need to manage your business in an exciting and powerful way.

Sparkir is the leading all-in-one digital platform for equipment vendors. Designed as a central management portal for managing the modern workforce, Sparkir delivers the most comprehensive business platform.

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