QuickFi | LoanNEXXUS


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Business borrowers must negotiate with loan officers or other salespeople, who are primarily tasked (and often compensated) to retain fees and interest rate enhancements for the banks or non-bank lenders. Multiple rounds of negotiation often occur on each new equipment loan or lease. Although often friendly, the process is needlessly adversarial and extraordinarily inefficient. The equipment loan and lease process lacks significant digitization, which creates ongoing inefficiencies for both lenders and borrowers throughout the entire repayment term.

Banks are organized for cost-leadership, not for innovation or disruption. By design, banks are rigid, hierarchical and lack in the needed team-based structures, cultural ingredients and agile technology skills to create new business models. It is exceedingly rare, in any industry, for a mature company to change its business model. Due to regulation and cultural considerations, it is nearly impossible for commercial banks to transform themselves.

The opportunity Bill described to the Innovation Finance team was to imagine and build a new business
model to better serve creditworthy corporate borrowers by employing the latest technology, enabling an
entirely new, customer-friendly business model. QuickFi® was designed with one primary goal: to
dramatically improve the customer experience. QuickFi incorporates several exponentially advancing
technologies2 including artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, facial recognition, as well as
other emerging mobile, cloud, and data technologies.

Decades worth of experience, professional relationships, industry knowledge, and reputations as
successful equipment financing executives set up this founding team to begin this bold, new endeavor,
creating an entirely new lending platform for this $1T/year industry: QuickFi.

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