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We help our clients and millions of Americans achieve financial success through our services and support.

We are one of a select group of companies chosen to service student and parent federal loans for the U.S. Department of Education. We also service loans made under the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP), which was discontinued on June 30, 2010.

To help our customers successfully repay their education loans and build their credit, our federal loan servicing goes beyond day-to-day account support. We also offer holistic financial capability resources like our interactive Path to Success videos > and our Career Playbook YouTube series >.

Our hard work and dedication drive positive results for our borrowers, helping them stay on a path to successful repayment. In fact, our federal loan customers are 35 percent less likely to default than others >.

Earnest is a leading financial technology and education finance company that joined Navient in 2017.

Through Earnest, we offer low-cost lending products that allow new and existing customers to experience the rewards of their achievements along the path to successful loan repayment.

In addition to student loan refinancing, Earnest offers low-interest loans for parent loan refinancing and personal loans.

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