FireUP Capital | LoanNEXUS

FireUP Capital

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FireUP is a direct lender that focuses on funding commercial projects quickly. By understanding the needs of developers and banks, we provide creative financing through bridge loans that are simple to file, transparent in process and fast in transaction. With over 30 years of cumulative experience, the team of expert underwriters and finance experts goal is to fund quality deals throughout the US.

FireUP Capital is a direct lender serving the short term cash needs for projects and businesses who have real estate collateral. Our borrowers have limited access to additional bank credit but have an urgent need, tapped out their cash flow or just want to take advantage of a great business opportunity. Our strategy also provides our lenders and investors with quality projects to help not only provide robust returns, but protection in their principal commitments through real estate collateral. FireUP Capital uniquely combines safety of principal investments, superior hard money loans for quality borrowers, and a predictable business team that provides superior service to borrowers and lenders alike.

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