Fintegra | LoanNEXUS


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Fintegra is business financing without the hassle. It’s different from a loan or a line of credit – our merchant cash advance (MCA) gives you a lump sum of cash now in exchange for a portion of your business’ future revenue.

Fintegra provides small businesses with the working capital they need to fuel their growth and success.

We aspire to be the preferred funding partner of every small business in the United States. Fintegra’s team is passionate about supporting small businesses. The company was created to address the slow and arduous process of securing a small business loan. Because we owned and operated numerous small businesses over the past 30 years, we understand the frustrations surrounding traditional lenders. We lived it, and in response, envisioned and built a faster, less complicated way for small businesses to obtain the funds they need. When naming our company, we combined ‘fintech’ with ‘integrity’ — and we don’t take our name lightly.

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