Diverse Capital Funding | LoanNEXUS

Diverse Capital Funding

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Diverse Capital is a rapidly evolving direct lending firm. We assist small and moderate sized businesses and quickly obtain working capital for their various needs. These needs range from help opening up a new location, assistance in purchasing new equipment, financing an investment property or simply obtaining funds to bolster their day-to-day activities.

Diverse Capital provides business capital for small to moderate sized business. If you’re in search of desperately-needed money to begin a new project, purchase new equipment, open a fresh location, or simply some extra cash for your day-to-day, Diverse Capital is here to help. Cash influxes have ranged from $10,000 to over $2,000,000. Every situation is carefully considered and analyzed for the best possible outcome. We have helped automotive shops, restaurants, salons and a lot more business with obtaining the capital they need.

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