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Helping businesses prosper through innovative solutions, advocacy and unmatched service is Heartland’s mission.

Global Payments Inc. (NYSE: GPN) is a leading worldwide provider of payment technology and software solutions delivering innovative services to our customers globally. Our technologies, services and employee expertise enable us to provide a broad range of solutions that allow our customers to accept various payment types and operate their businesses more efficiently across a variety of distribution channels in many markets around the world.

Heartland has already been helping your business succeed with innovative payment technology solutions. Now, we’re bringing you another smart way to boost your business: loans.

We’ve partnered with Lendio, the nation’s largest business loan marketplace, to give you unprecedented access to capital. Lendio has helped business owners get $1 billion in loans. Now it’s your turn.

15 minutes to apply on your phone, and as little as 24 hours to funding – up to $5 million. What could be easier? Get your business growth plans moving with the industry’s easiest and fastest capital marketplace. You’ll be glad you did.

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